the harvest
is ripe
see any laborers
picture this
is our brother
living in
our brother
Our Mission
All of us and each of us are called to produce fruit…
“I am the vine… you are the branches those who remain in me and I in them will bear much fruit for you can do nothing without me”
We produce fruit because we remain in Him “Following”
“Some fell into good ground and brought fruit some a hundred fold… some sixty fold… some thirty fold”
The proof we abide in Jesus is marked by our fruit…
Our Calling
“As my father has loved me so I love you… continue in my love
That my joy might remain in you that your joy might be full!”
“This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you”
“Greater love has no man than this… that a man lay down his life for his friends” “You are my friends if you do what I command you!” “You have not chosen me… I have chosen you!”
The fruit of the vine
Gives way to our simple understand of where fruit comes from
Being there or where God would have us
is only half the equation so first let us listen to the quest for fruit
We know that Jesus declared the harvest is ripe
but maybe like the twelve where than shall we go?
First ripe means ready for the picking
and that should ease our hearts that it… The Harvest is within reach
the question than are we in position to reap
are we like the twelve coming from a place we were assigned to be
that said let us return to…
what is already His and accounted for
because He said so and He is sending us… it’s a mission
although a mission of a life time because… we harvesters are few
no competition here in fact more cooperation is needed
we are after all sent two by two… or more
if we are out of place remember we’re mobile
so lets return to what is fruit and how do we become sure they are
“No one can come to Me…
actually enter into me… be with me…
unless the Father
allows “
Men are called but their hearts are prepared beforehand
to respond to Jesus
He is the weighing in He knows who the Father sends to Him
And now we must know and have been given the Holy Spirit
To discern to have such wisdom we need to pray
and pray until we can hear the heart
of those we are sent to invite into God’s Kingdom
A ripe fruit is first observed ready to fall
or to be picked from the world and offered up to the vine dresser
The other side of bearing is in the demonstrating of our lives
our example speaks to those who are being drawn by God to us
our eyes may be to focused elsewhere and blurry from world values
again prayer draws us near to God and God draws near to us
touching us with a love for His priority “people” and gives us
better insight as we pray together with Him in our midst
we will have greater opportunity to share the love
which will touch those whose hearts are prepared
concluding the hearts of the twelve were prepared
for three years in “Humble” submission before Jesus sends them
don’t therefore assume you are sent before you are prepared in
prayer before Jesus just as they set before Him
It is His Harvest
It it His fruit and we need to be totally His so as to be sent
as we are fruit we are reminded
to follow Jesus first in Prayer that He would send us
With power to cast out unclean spirits and to heal
than even as the twelve went out remember the condition He made for them to bring no extra clothes
(How long shall we be gone? No answer here… we go by faith
noting this is not a part time effort)
Take no money… it appears we are truly to trust in His provision
This last instruction is the focal point of both the extreme importance and urgency of our mission when we are “Sent”
Do not speak to anyone except whom are awaiting our
message of love… to them we bring salutation from God with blessings on the house hold or family
We stop for nothing or no one we are expressly about the work of the Father and it appears it is far more serious than we may think
So here were learning timing
gather the fruit before it hits the ground and is bruised or maybe
spoiled Today it seem everything is casual but it appears
the work of the harvest is not for part timers or
to be taken frivolously
We are sent by God to do His work His way
It is He who prepared us… “Are you prepared?”
it is He who prepares the harvest… Yes we are minions..
We are called because we were given gifts to accomplish His work before we were born and now assembled two or more to
submit to each other humbled before God but more importantly
we are going… sent in Jesus… as Jesus was sent to us
in that great love which requires death to selfishness
that in seeing us… they see Jesus and they see the Father!
“Love ”
"By this all men shall know that you are my disciples
by the way you love one another"
ready to pick a new way of life
Healthier than organic… sweet…
delightful… never a dull moment… joyous… tools provided
but peculiar co-laborers…
adventurous… great life time… plus benefits i