parables for today
Once there were two young boys who did everything together as they were twins.
Approaching their teen years their family was taken and they were separated by the circumstance.
Coming from a Christian home they both prayed to be reunited as they sorely missed their strong bond of loving friendship.
One believed God would direct Him to his brother and began to work to earn money to make trips to different towns to find his brother. He believed “God helps those who help themselves” He began to focus on work to keep him busy in his quest and to distract himself from his loneliness. The longer and harder he worked the more desperate he grew. But what a fine reputation he had as an industrious laborer. Working hard he had money to travel and money to spare. He had fine clothes and built a fine home to share with his brother when they were reunited, as he believed he would find him one day. He had faith and persevered in his loneliness.
Brother number two was the weaker one and as loneliness began to overcome him he prayed and began to understand “if you want a brother be a brother” and with that was less industrious as he sought to help others in there need and to befriend them. The more he thought of his brother the more loving he was toward others and the more convicted he became that God would rejoin them. His faith was resolved in loving others, the more to love his brother when they were reunited.
Then after many years, as God would have it, the first brother in his searching travels observed several young men frolicking and observed them.
He said to himself look there is a young man that looks just like me and uses the very same expressions of speech; he even has some physical gestures like me. But he is not so well dressed as I and he is surrounded by so many friends. So, he continued to observe him from a distance staying in the shadows and watched throughout the day. Part of him wanted to run and hug him and rekindle the love so missed; his heart beat so inside him but his mind was filled with doubt. And the more we watched the more he questioned. How could this be my brother? He may look like me but he is not quite like me. He is not industrious like me? Look at him wasting his time. He is not lonely and desperate like me? He is not alone as I am. He has no value of money observing him sharing. Look he treats others to food and beverage and gives money away; observing him give to a beggar. And it is obvious he is not searching for me as I am for him? This is not the brother I know… as he sadly walked away slipping into the falling night and the darkness of his lonely heart.
Whose brother are you!
Jesus came by His love for all mankind
“God still loves us all”
and is the corner stone of all he said and did…
to not fully realize this in view of being His people
then and now is a lack of faith…
We can not please God without
in the
Holy Spirit
by faith
you see what is
on the road
On the road to work three men were walking in the morning light.
One looked at the sunrise and smiling said what a beautiful day.
Quickly one of the others responded we know not yet what the day will bring… do you think you will say it’s beautiful when you lay your head to rest.
There was silence that gave a moment of reflection and thought.
It was broken by the third who slowly but clearly interjected now is a good time to state the beauty of the day for we may not be here when the sun sets.
Is it the choice of the moment we are to speak about or the result of that moment of thought or deed we have the right to review, I say the end of the day is the time to declare its goodness, when the day is complete we can reflect and see how good it is, the second young man responded?
And quickly retorted the third again, if your not here to respond, what then you lost the moment?
The second man said, than it has spoken for itself, what part do we play in what is good anyway?
The third shot back do we lend to the day our observations declaring its good or do we just observe it at its end as we rest, is it not for us to observe what is good and enjoy it?
The second man was becoming excited and blurted can we make the day better for our observation or our declaration of it?
The reply of the third man was an attempt to sum up the statement… yes we can for our sharing it so others are given an opportunity to enjoy what we see!
The strong response of the second man came rapidly, it is not what I see or what I say about what I see that makes the day but what I’ve done that I reflect on at the end of my day!
The third purposely and quietly now said for someone who rests on what he does and not on what he says; you have a lot to say… so your argument is void of your labor! Your own words defeat you…
Stumped for the moment he quickly turned to the first man and said you started this and now you are silent?
The third joined in agreeing…
After a long moment the first man still looking at the sunrise almost as if he were not listening slowly spoke… what a beautiful sunrise you’re both missing…
Philosophy, knowledge, thinking, argument, compounded by trying to be right can steal the greatness of God in any moment…
This is the day the Lord has made… let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Have a beautiful day…
A parable is light that only
those that have eyes can see
or have ears to hear
Parables will make little or no sense
to those without
Entering… The light is so very bright… ah! but you can feel the warmth…
how comforting… but it’s almost impossible to to see… I always saw pretty clearly before entering… guess it takes some getting used to… this is like walking in the dark… stop go… turn… up down all around and you must listen for directions here… and I’m not to move without being told or I’ll fall? Fall into where it almost seem like you can’t fall following directions
It’s a lot less freedom than I expected…
Not a lot of conversation… doesn’t anyone care how I feel? Just saying…
It’s frustrating everyone is quite content… Oh! it’s a trial… I was never one for tests… It appears fine but it limits my prior pleasures… I actually miss some… it seems crazy the number of exits… almost every time I’m told to change direction… it seem like if I’d rather not… I could leave… wonder where the exits lead?
The works ok but it seems everyone that follows us back is more excited to be here than I am? can everyone really be so nice… it sure takes time getting used to… and they tell me there’s more… more what… more work?
What about those exits… no one talks about them almost like they are not there… ok it is comfortable and warm but the brightness doesn’t allow me to see what was so very clear to me… with everyone else wanting more light
why am I not so sure this is enough? wow! I have more questions than answers… trust they say just trust… what! “lighten up!” It seems better than life was before but that nagging are you sure? Well I’ll keep going… hey anyone got suntan lotion? No one stops to get some tan? Miss that!
What I got to make a long journey… well here I go… so many exit signs… more than I’ve ever seen… I wonder…
Whew… that exit stayed open… but I’m out… Oh! it is so very dark… hey there’s a light… It’s all ok it’s an angel… of light and not as bright nor hard on the eyes… Oh meet your friends… I get to see one of the leaders here…
Hi… what’s your name… seems I heard that name before… Judas!
is to
wisdom is gained through
I was looking for an answer to the question of death
Why do we have to die?
Isn’t everyone concerned? Why do we not talk about it? What makes us avoid this simple reality… “We all die” but why? Where do I find answers… who to talk to? Does anyone have any ideas… thoughts… concerns???
I sometimes feel alone with this but it’s like why do anything… what’s it’s worth… does anything have real or lasting value? I’ve read so much but no answers… everyone says talk to a pastor or pick up a bible… I still can’t believe no one has any answers… So many religions to hear… we got the way… come we’ll show you? What did you say that would cost… some coworkers pay 10% of their earnings… does that buy you a pass…
God they say He’s the answer… and you have to pay Him?
Who is God anyway… what makes Him special?
sitting here alone in my dilemma… wow what a beautiful day… everything is so tranquil… so very peaceful… the birds singing… why can’t it be like this forever… wait… who made this and why would they make it to leave it?
the maker of it all… by design? what is God thinking if there is a God… no don’t give me that religious God… those folk are no different than me…
who made this… here I go… let’s put this to rest… hey! if some one made this please tell me what for???
If your that big… and you… if there is a you… would give someone an answer… someone like me!
Hi! I heard you mumbling… you OK?
“Are you blind? I see you have a walking stick” Yep but I’m not deaf… what’s up? well may as well get this of my chest… do you know why we die?
Of coarse… but dying is not the hard part… living is the hard part!
“What do you mean?”
You wake up in the morning and you get a new day… did you ever get an old one? Things are constantly changing so will death change what is… no it will just change you… so you want to know why you have to change?
Who asked you to be here… did you get an invitation? You had no choice… no one came and asked you…did they?
so you don’t know where you came from but you want to know why you have to leave… wait leave… does that say something if you are some place and you leave… seems like your going somewhere else… guess you want to know where? “Yes! Yes! for sure… where?” Well I’m not really blind because I can hear… my ears get me to where I can’t see… see… Death is like that you need to hear not see your hearing will get you past your question if you can hear… it’s like you have ears to hear… “I don’t get!” but do you really want to get it… do you want to know? “Yes! I’m dying to know” and so you are… Now you didn’t even ask me but I came into your life because I heard you… do you hear me… “Yes of coarse but it don’t make sense?”
Some of us live because we have purpose… and like yourself some never get the answers they want and have no purpose… and you want to know where no purpose will take you… nowhere! Now don’t ask what your purpose is till you find the very most important purpose…
this is where I came in… nice chatting… Try praying and listening…
So what is the most important purpose?
Well if there is a creator… God he could be the most important purpose…
I think I’m on on to it… purpose is living for God… but who is God?
Where did that guy come from? Who sent him… I think he had purpose…
Who are you? and if you exist can you clue me in for I’m tired of not knowing what death is! I’m listening… do I have to sign in… how… OK I want to be about your purpose… and I have no idea what it is…
so if you exist… Help me!
What… what am I feeling… Is that you God… Do I really hear you?
I can hear God…
I feel loved… I’ve never felt like this… is it that easy… Ok what’s next… following you… you’ll have to show me…
I’m listening… Oh I guess I’m praying!
One more time… I’ll try one more time… phew! this is tough… But in prayer I’m sure God said move this rock… Boulder is more like it… maybe I’m not getting it… maybe I need tools… a lever… a fulcrum… that’s it… Brother do you have a lever… no but I’ll ask a friend… hey do you have a lever… no but what do you need it for… trying to move this “Boulder” come and see… Wow! that’s big… let me run and check with a brother… come and see… you may need more than a lever… the four standing around the stone looking perplexed… well what do you think… big stone… big problem… Let’s go get some coffee and figure this out together… Two or more yet in the counsel of many… laughing together as they go…
This is the church my problem becomes our problem and together we can plan and come up with a solution… Great being together…
One man’s prayer got them here but… thinking exceeded the work…
Why did they escape… all pushing together for planning together?
We are not to think together but obey… laboring together…
we remain
The street was crowded early in the morning as people were on the way to work. It was cold and the wind had just started to blow gusting a little driving the chilly dampness to remind your face of its exposure. A man was slumped down against the wall of a building almost unnoticed as people milled by. Those who did see him kept going with thoughts that ranged from “poor man – in this cold” to “he must be drunk or on drugs to be sitting on the ground in this cold” hurrying to work and not wanting to be late.
A young girl on her way to school came upon him and stopped. Gently tugging his shoulder she inquired are you all right? His face came up in a half smile and dropped back down. She began to ask him to get up as she tugged its cold, please get up. A woman stopped to ask her “is that your daddy” No replied the girl. To which the woman said seeing her burdened with her little back pack and lunch bag “then leave him and get to school. She was frightened for the child and was very insistent. This got the attention of another passerby who stopped “is your daughter all right?” seeing this woman bending over the girl gesturing. As he stopped so did another and another… a crowd began to form. A policeman soon came over to see what the fuss was and seeing the girl tugging on the man and the woman giving instructions to her as they were surrounded by this crowd… he began in one motion to push the crowd back asking them to move along and was on his radio calling 911 for an ambulance… He now turned to ask what was wrong… with people pushing and milling and walking slowly for there was a policeman there… so something must be up. “This girl needs to go to school officer…” thinking it must be her mother and the man on the ground her father he said “Ok young lady listen and be on your way…” the girl started down the street looking back as the
policeman watched her progress. The lady walked away before he could turn back. A tear came to the little girl’s eye… “That could be my dad” and she began to say a prayer The sound of the sirens caused people to turn to look and the policeman now with his back to the man on the ground moving people along, disbursing the crowd, doing his job… he did not notice in the moment… as the little girl took one last look back…
the man slumped against the wall was gone…
You never know when your entertaining angels!
But who in that crowd had mercy?
And who saw the real need?
And above all who got the blessing of a reward in heaven?
Unless your like this little child you will not enter the Kingdom.
the bus
A parable for today…
The message went quickly throughout the land, the King would be having a feast and everyone was invited but of course not everyone wanted to attend nor would they attend.
When was this message posted?
Why now?
Is it just a rumor?
Why should we go even if it were true; began with outcries of; what has He ever done for me?
Who has ever seen this great King?
He’s never there when you need Him?
Does He hear our cries?
Who really knows Him?
Right down to remarks like; so we have a King; who cares; I do what I want anyway; my life’s my own not His. We will not attend let Him punish us if He dare!
So many did not acknowledge Him or His rein even after He sent the prince as an emissary.
The worst of those, never acknowledged any leadership over themselves in their lives at anytime… rebels saying, bah what King, we acknowledge no King; there is no King not over us, we are free men we have always come and gone as we please. We rule our own lives. I have my own life and problems to attend to right now, why concern myself with this feast that seems far fetched and maybe just a rumor, when I can have many feasts when and where I please. The Kingdom was not just divided but had few adherents.
The bus to the kingdom arrived… but not quite when everyone expected.
It just came suddenly.
It came out of nowhere.
What is this vehicle that would convey us?
Need we enter… need we board… is it the only way?
There were discussions everywhere with people still scurrying amid the multitude mumbling and complaining that they were not prepared for such a hasty arrival.
Why so soon? But the day arrived almost unexpectedly.
Now here it was. Who was prepared?
It would soon be discovered, who for that matter even cared about being prepared?
How could someone prepare?
Do we ever prepare for such a day… as few were… so very few.
But here it was… that day was upon them.
So many ignored the entire affair, while the few, scurried to act.
And even some of these were aloof in their attitude to act.
I can’t go, I’m not suitably prepared… I need to buy special clothes and jewelry.
Should I take my bank book and portfolio to show Him my wealth?
Should I go with all this work left undone?
None of my friends are going; why should I?
Now, right now He wants to have a feast… is He kidding?
Why would He not give us more advance notice… so little consideration for us?
What should I bring to appease Him or should I try to impress Him?
Should I go without a personal invitation?
I’ll go if He schedules another feast.
And a final remark of the arrogant “I don’t travel by bus”
Everyone who submitted to the King wanted to be ready for such a festive day such as this; for this was the day the Lord of the land made… but most were not. The bus is here, fell on deaf ears in fact those very few that were ready and those that were willing were huddled together in small groups bragging about the King and His kindness while most others scoffed at them as they assembled around the bus. While last minute choices were made by those poor ill equipped, who hungered to go eat and by those who thirsted to go quench their thirst at this feast. There was little order or planning as the mass congregated. It was more like a gathering of some scattered and festering mob of misfits or groups within a larger throng, with no sense of order; much less of forming a line to embark.
Were these to be the guests of the King?
They came from all over and were not quite able to grasp the moment.
Such differences among them; they came from all walks of life.
Most dropping what they were doing to embark.
So much was said in the form of complaining and disagreement with mumbling to out right yelling to be heard. The only common ground was that they wanted to go. Even why they wanted to go was not to be agreed upon. Some danced with merry feet while others were heard singing, still others praised the King out loud believing volume would win the day, some quietly prayed homage and others just stood solemn. A few even practiced bowing and genuflecting. There were all kinds of personal stories being shared about the King. There were stragglers still coming here and there. Each thinking theirs was the best way to approach the King.
They were gathering together with a common thought, the impending feast but bringing their past ways and habits into play and from so many different ways they were actually divided but together in intent. They were forming groups by there personal preferences.
Among them were the skeptics; the self serving elitists observing the less privileged.
Things were said like” I didn’t expect to see that person here?”
Do they really deserve to go?
Can they attend dressed like that?
I’m getting a table up front for all I’ve donated to His cause!
As the mumbling and comments began to stop and as quiet prevailed.
A new situation arose.
Soon what appeared to be several brazen men arose and began to gather some here and there; wooing the humble with words that pleased the ear.
This grew people into rivalries and contention. With all the sales pitches being disseminated, declaring the benefits of their method or way of going to the feast, each striving so called leader, soon came to believe their way was the best and a few even espoused the only way. Knowledge was surpassed only by eloquence and appearance with style following close behind. Most believed great oratory would gain them adherence. Almost all bragged about their educational background and their personal preparation for this occasion; some even claiming they knew of the feast before hand from a special insight. And finally most bragged about there relationship to the Prince. Well they knew His name at least.
From dignified processions to marches with cheering like a sports outing broke out. Some thought special dress would give them authority. Most thought that appearing prosperous would attract beneficial attention and advocated that the King liked wealth. Some led those singing into organized harmonies of song saying the King will be pleased if we sing to Him. Mention the Prince… this is all we need do!
Soon it became noticeable that these leaders were pulling in different directions for their own best interests. Then some of the leaders, those with the larger groups said let us gather to make a plan and we shall advise how. Then one group after another began with let us review the blue print of the Kingdom; we have after all been given a guide of the Kingdom by the King. Let us study the road map a legacy of the princes’ visit. Know the map, know the way.
This began the first discussion. Groups within the leadership were now being formed by the reason of same ideals.
There were the skeptics who saw the Kings decrees as hard laws without mercy, reading the book of maps letter by letter and each letter defined. Then there were the old guard who looked down on every other group for they were the first to receive the ordinances and maps from the kindly King. They would say the Prince had personally given the guide to them. They acted like they had the only map and had made all the traffic laws in the land. They proclaimed we have the oldest map. While one small group proclaimed we have the most precise one. The older group had come to be known as the bearers of symbols and makers of rituals. They sauntered about as dignitaries. They were no longer alone for soon they all had rituals of sorts. Many became imitators, yet espousing difference?
Then there were several types of legalists so overly organized as to show up the old guard for they were some of the first to break from them. We travel by faith was their motto maps or no maps. But soon others broke from them with other mottos added until there were thousands of mottos all in the Kings name, although each group had its own name. And most used and abused the Princes name for their own cause. The map although the same for most of them had thousands of short cuts and new roads and so many side roads added on overlays to it. There were the mystics who saw the rules as a guide seeing past the surface. They had come to be very popular and thus egotistical and just as arrogant as every one else: they sold their own versions. There were several smaller groups who didn’t like anyone else for they thought they were all getting it wrong but them.
How shall we proceed became the question of the moment?
Some so far removed that they refused to join the discussion but just nodded their approval when they agreed. Statements ensued, then questions, then more disagreement.
Let us not be deceived, this may not be the bus? It could be a deception.
We know the vehicles’ name… we call on it… but do we enter it?
Several from each group agreed. So first the visual inspecting commenced by the skeptical few while the other leaders discussed more pertinent things like; will there be more people coming; will there be other buses and the continuing who best knows the route to the Kingdom? Each group professing they knew the route, with few agreeing what it was. Questions arose; are we all talking about the same Kingdom and the same King? I think not, argued several. Well maybe the same King but with different roads to get there… was that possible? Would it get us to the King? Could this be all the people that were going; there are so few? Were there other buses or other vehicles elsewhere? Was this a deception, a mock vehicle? Would we make the feast on time? And on it went as they awaited the inspection of the vehicle.
The inspectors visually went over ever inch of the bus even kicking the tires it could be the real thing it appeared seamless, well it looked like something the King would send and it did say “Kingdom Bus” on the side; perfect. They probed the rule books layout schematic word for word yet remained in question; “was this, the bus?” Why now?
Their familiarity with a vehicle was certain… but they did not recognize it? Why?
Not everyone was as familiar with the bus as they thought or proclaimed. They assembled by an unspoken voice yet they reverted back to logical opinions.
Some boasted, well we knew it was coming. How did it get here? Or was it here and we never noticed it before? Was it here all the time? Is this the only way?
Then they immediately began to question among themselves if this was indeed the bus to the Kingdom and then if it were… should they get on it. We know the name but were not familiar with its appearance. Very few knew the bus for sure.
Then still murmuring to each other questioning everything they began to look around, the skeptics began to whisper among themselves changing the subject for their lack of knowledge; is everyone here really a leader? Is everyone in this crowd worthy to go? How would they know? Should we check to see if they remember the date they were born or the date of their citizenship in the Kingdom? And maybe a few essential questions from our guide book, someone added. Another jumped in stating; we shall do it rightly, for the King is a harsh Judge. We shall be commended for such inspections, the truth be known. We shall sit at the head table for this. Meanwhile the other leaders were having their disagreements among themselves. Some began by declaring lets make sure everyone that was to go would pay a fare; except the leaders of course; a tax for the King less our 10%. Some addressed the crowd and began to ask for a show of hands for pledges for gas. Hand out pledge cards; I have some here in my pocket. While others stated they had a vision to redecorate the bus and repaint it, this said they waded into the crowd asking for funds for the work. We’ll put banners and images of the King on it.
The King will be pleased with our efforts to look good.
Some began to solicit help to wash and wax the bus and clean the windows at regular intervals. We need tire cleaners, oil changers, lubricators and some one to check the radiator. Sign them up. The King would be pleased with cleanliness. We will make it better then He gave it! Each leader seemed to know what the King would be pleased with demanding their way was best.
Each leader trying to show the other he could throw his weight around. Some groups of leaders would agree while others argued. In the midst of all this chaos with each word bringing more and more division, voices could be heard within the surrounding multitude, chanting for their particular leader; it began to sound like cheerleaders chanting, a sacrosanct but rivalrous clamor. A few voices were saying a woman leader wound not have let this happen but none were to be found as they were having a convention against public transportation. The non citizen of the Kingdom attitude was alive and well and expressing its selfishness in a competing banal of chants that were rapidly becoming a shouting match; as if the loudest would win. And as the sound began to get louder and the leaders began to get personal in their remarks to one another amid the din, tension rose and began to peak; one small voice was heard it was more touching then audible. Rushing from the bus in a certainty of step and purpose amid so much triviality came one of the young men.
Please stop, stop, wait, listen, read this!!! He’s waving something? Everyone was exasperated as he got their attention. The leaders gathered round him and with that the mass observed and quieted down. The leaders gave him their full attention this had better be good. This young man had seen a place card in the front window of the bus which he was now waving before them to see; which stated “driver needed”
Agape and suddenly aware of the greatest need that was presented to them… who was to drive? Indeed this presented them with what seemed to be their number one priority. This was surely a “Sign from the Lord”
All discussions and every thought and plan ceased momentarily as they contemplated this new interjection. This was the Lord, they were all agreed even the skeptics agreed but their newly found skepticism was now directed as to who would drive; even among themselves there was no trust. The King sought a driver who was it to be? Did He have someone in mind? The singular thought could be seen in some expressions… could it be me? And as for the arrogant; it must be me.
The real question of their destination was to come to this; who would get us there.
Was that it; was this what the King wanted?
Reality really struck home?
The leaders huddled trying to come up with some kind of format to decide who would drive. Again the camps formed; and realigned, one wanted each to take a turn. One group who had the larger constituencies, said it should be one of them that would drive or if turns were to be had, it would be them that took them. The skeptics were reading through their guide books looking for answers demanding the book would reveal who would drive. Still other groups vied for control voicing their own opinions and ideas. While unnoticed in there midst were these three young men; one being the one who found the sign; were praying. These men were seen earlier handing out snacks and drink. Quietly they stood hand in hand when again this voice was heard stop, please stop and listen. The one who had brought them the sign was again speaking; we three and anyone among you leaders who would help us would like to begin to gather the crowd into the bus while you come to settle who will drive. As for us three we will be content knowing we’re going to the Kingdom in this bus made available by the King. We trust that who ever drives will get us there… as the feast awaits! The question of who drives will come as quickly as the King had planned or we shall all miss the feast.
The leaders were astounded by these servants who were given the nod and began the task of getting everyone on the bus. They stood in silence for some time as the people were boarding orderly guided by the three. Let them do the menial work while the rest of come to grips with the weightier matter of who will drive.
The skeptics were the first to recognize this humility of the three as faith but held out to the last as to make sure there was no other motive…
The group of interpreters of dreams a small but mystical group knew and confirmed this action of the three was wisdom but were not about to act so “foolishly” themselves.
The overly organized allowed them their religious zeal as they called it but they themselves were above submission to anything and or anyone.
The symbol bearers with their banners and robes were yet farther removed from what everyone else thought and referred to the group condescendingly, as the tattered. Theirs was the pontifical conversation to be heard and addressed. They had always had a driver ready and waiting; had he not steered them to this point. But alas he was not with them today business took him elsewhere. And of course they were not the only ones here now, as they claimed they would be… So these bread winners acquiesced slightly in the face of this outrageous humility which they thought was to be there’s.
Now loomed the conversation to gravitate from who will drive, to, how shall we select a driver having been taken back by the three humble servants…
There was room for one to drive and there was still a question of could we take turns?
This was quickly seen as dead wrong the sign said driver and that meant singular or did it? As it became apparent the crowd was moving quickly the pressure was to do something… but what? There were here and there people who refused to go for various reasons but it became a resounding diatribe of excuses that they could not attend the feast for fear of being persecuted by others; others will see the bus and destroy it and us with it for their jealousy. Then there were those for the want and comfort of their homes and lifestyle and… on and on they went as they left. It can’t be so important; there are so few.
Soon some of the leaders began to console them and other leaders joined them seeing the value and stability in staying. This began a shift that even some that were on the bus got off and joined them. They after all were the truly humble we will not attend the feast of the King and save Him the extra trouble and expense. It was suggested they have a feast of their own, celebrating their wisdom. As quickly as they arrived is as quickly as they left and could be heard singing and chanting in the distance in as many directions as they took. It appeared that the leaders that left were as numerous as the group of dissenters. The few leaders that there were, now without the noise of the disparaging disquieters took to the task of finding agreement and looked not to the wisest not the most informed nor the most eloquent nor the most educated but found themselves praying for direction… in that their guide book would reveal that faith was found in this moment and this they knew would alone please the King. Without the pulling of those that left the atmosphere was stabilizing. Bowing led to knelling and that led to sobbing and crying out and that led to the confession of their faith… sorrow gave way to asking for forgiveness and that made way for thankful hearts to rise up in them… certainty had caught hold… they had found their driver in their contrite hearts and everyman and any man that they would agreed on… for it was not the man but the faith adorned in love…
If we could but agree… the way is the bus that was given us… we need only get on board with the right and faithful attitude of love…
If we love our fellow man we would trust that the King wants this above all else…
This is what would drive them… their love for one another would get them there…
If we love one another the King will get us there, after all he sent the bus… It’s His bus… It’s His Kingdom and above all it’s His feast…
He just wanted to see if we love enough to trust anyone to get on board and drive… for it is He who will get us to the feast… He is the driving force in us… together
The driver is the prince Himself!
In the bus… to the brethren… to the feast… to the King… they had arrived and had not moved, they had not even started, for it was in this unity of love all the time… the King was with them right there in their midst! They had known but did not quite arrive at this unity of confirmation until now.
Love was in them and surrounding them… The King was in their midst!
They would eat from the table of eternity set in love.
The King has made a way…
There was nothing of any value left behind… it was Him and He is here!
Losing ourselves in Him gained Him in His fullness!
Knowing that the bus was here was not enough, knowing the way was not enough, knowing the King was not enough… we had to get on board… and trust completely in Him!
Are you still at a bus stop?
Waiting for the bus to arrive?
If the lack of love is holding you back…
Faithful obedience to Love others as the King loves us gets you on board…
The feast awaits!
We don’t go… He comes…
Love God... and your neighbor as yourself...
Our lives in the Holy Spirit through the love of Jesus is directed to
“Watch unto prayer” Scripture then and only then becomes more than words it is life and it’s life giving only as the Lord provides…
The is only one perfect thing in this world and that is the love of Jesus…
Those that choose this life of “following” as He has called…
Pray to hear and obey…